Translation Process
What To Expect
Send in documents*
*If documents are confidential, an NDA will be signed before.
Receive quote in 24h
Accept and pay 30% upfront*
*only first-time clients
Translation is underway
Receive translated document*
*Includes one review to implement client feedback
Leave review and feedback
Are you a sworn/certified translator?
No, I am not.
Do I even need a sworn/certified translation?
Often, clients have a legal document in their hands, such as an agreement, and immediately assume that it needs to be sworn or certified. That is not always the case. In Law, there are many private documents that require translation for internal or communication purposes, or because the parties are multinational and have agreed to provide the documents in other languages.
What’s the difference between a sworn translation and a legal translation, then?
A sworn translation is a translated document that has the same validity and effects as the original document in the jurisdiction where it is being submitted. What does this mean? It means that the Administration will accept the translated copy as if it were an original document. Usually, you will need a sworn translation is you are dealing with the Administration, for example, for visa approvals, birth certificates, academic records, marriage certificates, documents that need to be presented in court, etc. In most cases, it will say so in the requirements. In Spain, sworn translations must be signed and sealed by the translator appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Every country or jurisdiction has their own requirements. Legal translations are simply translations of a document that is legal in nature. In other words, they deal with Law-related issues. For example, agreements, bylaws, certificate of incorporation, divorce settlements, court rulings, an article on Constitutional Law, etc.
My documents are confidential. How do I get a quote if I can’t send it?
If your documents are confidential and cannot be shared freely, let me know in the Contact me form and we will see about signing an NDA beforehand.
​My document has a very specific format and I want to keep it that way. Will it change with the translation?
No, your document will look exactly the same. The length of the paragraphs or number of pages may vary, but formatting (font, font size, paragraph, styles, cells, rows, slides, etc.) will stay exactly the same. If your document is a PDF, extra charges may apply due to DTP needs.